How Much is a Speeding Ticket in NJ?

Are you a resident of New Jersey who has been caught speeding? Have you wondered what the financial consequences might be for an offense like that? This article covers the basics of speeding tickets in New Jersey, including fines, potential points on your license, and other penalties.

What is a Speeding Ticket Fine Generally

In general, the amount of a fine for a first-time offense depends on the number of miles you were traveling over the speed limit. If you were going less than 10 mph above the posted speed limit, then there is a minimum fine of $50. For every mile per hour (MPH) that you go faster than that, an additional $5 will be added to your ticket.

For example, if you were caught going 15 MPH over the speed limit, then your fine would be $75. If you were caught going 25 MPH or more over the speed limit, then there is a minimum fine of $150 for that offense.

In addition to fines, points will also be added to your driver’s license depending on how far above the posted speed limit you were traveling. For every 1 MPH you go over the speed limit, a point will be added to your license. If you accumulate 6 points in a 3-year period, then your license may be suspended for up to 90 days.

The Speeding Ticket Penalty Cost Breakdown

Base Fines

The cost of a speeding ticket in New Jersey varies depending on how much you exceed the speed limit. Here’s a general breakdown:

  • 1-9 mph over the limit: $85
  • 10-14 mph over the limit: $95
  • 15-19 mph over the limit: $105
  • 20-24 mph over the limit: $200
  • 25-29 mph over the limit: $220
  • 30-34 mph over the limit: $240
  • 35 mph and above: $260 and up

Additional Costs

Keep in mind that these are just the base fines. Additional costs may include:

  • Court fees
  • Surcharges
  • Increased insurance premiums

How Many Points is a Speeding Ticket in NJ?

In New Jersey, speeding violations also come with points added to your driving record:

  • 1-14 mph over the limit: 2 points
  • 15-29 mph over the limit: 4 points
  • 30 mph and above 5 points

Accumulating too many points can lead to license suspension. It’s crucial to understand the point system when considering the overall cost and consequences of a speeding ticket in New Jersey.

Other Speeding Ticket Penalties

Double Fines

In certain zones like construction or school zones, fines can be doubled.

License Suspension

If you accumulate 12 or more points on your current driving record, your license may be suspended.

Legal Options

Contesting the Ticket

If you believe the ticket was unjustly issued, you have the option to contest it in court. However, this could result in additional legal fees.

Point Reduction Programs

New Jersey offers defensive driving courses that can remove up to two points from your driving record.

Insurance Impact

Your insurance premiums are likely to increase after a speeding ticket. The amount varies depending on your insurance provider and your driving history.

FAQs – People Also Ask

Q: How much is the base fine for a speeding ticket in New Jersey?
A: The base fine varies depending on how much you exceed the speed limit. For example, going 1-9 mph over the limit will cost you $85, while going 35 mph and above could cost $260 or more.

Q: Are there any additional costs to a speeding ticket?
A: Yes, additional costs may include court fees, surcharges, and potentially increased insurance premiums.

Q: How many points will be added to my license for a speeding ticket in New Jersey?
A: The number of points added to your license depends on the speed:

  • 1-14 mph over the limit: 2 points
  • 15-29 mph over the limit: 4 points
  • 30 mph and above 5 points

Q: Can I get my points removed or reduced?
A: Yes, New Jersey offers defensive driving courses that can remove up to two points from your driving record.

Q: What happens if I accumulate too many points?
A: If you accumulate 12 or more points on your current driving record, your license may be suspended.

Q: Are fines doubled in certain zones?
A: Yes, fines can be doubled in construction or school zones.

Q: Can I contest a speeding ticket?
A: Yes, you have the option to contest the ticket in court. However, this could result in additional legal fees.

Q: How will a speeding ticket affect my insurance?
A: Your insurance premiums are likely to increase after a speeding ticket. The amount varies depending on your insurance provider and your driving history.

Q: Is it worth hiring a lawyer for a speeding ticket?
A: This depends on your specific circumstances, such as the severity of the offense and potential penalties. Consult with a qualified attorney to discuss your options.

Q: What is the best way to avoid getting a speeding ticket?
A: The best way to avoid getting a speeding ticket is to always abide by the speed limits, stay alert, and drive responsibly.

Q: What happens if you go 25 over the speed limit in NJ?
A: If you go 25 mph over the speed limit in New Jersey, you can expect a base fine of around $220. Additionally, 4 points will be added to your driving record. Keep in mind that these penalties can be higher in certain zones like school or construction zones where fines may be doubled.

Q: Should I pay a speeding ticket in NJ?
A: Paying a speeding ticket in New Jersey is an admission of guilt and will result in points being added to your driving record, along with the fine. If you believe the ticket was unjustly issued or if you want to try to reduce the penalties, you may opt to contest it in court.

Q: How much will 2 points affect my insurance in NJ?
A: The impact of 2 points on your insurance premiums can vary depending on your insurance provider and your overall driving record. However, any points on your license are likely to result in an increase in your insurance premiums.

Q: How many points is 30 mph over the speed limit in NJ?
A: In New Jersey, going 30 mph or more over the speed limit will result in 5 points being added to your driving record.

Q: Can I just pay my ticket and not go to court in NJ?
A: Yes, you can choose to pay the ticket without going to court, but this is an admission of guilt. You will incur the fine and any additional penalties, including points on your driving record.

Q: Can you plead down a speeding ticket in NJ?
A: Yes, in some cases, you may be able to plead to a lesser offense to reduce the penalties. However, this usually requires the assistance of an attorney and is not guaranteed.

Q: What is the best plea for a speeding ticket?
A: The best plea can vary depending on your specific circumstances. Consulting with a qualified attorney can provide you with tailored advice. Common pleas include “not guilty” to contest the ticket or negotiating for a lesser offense.

Q: How long do points stay on your license in NJ?
A: In New Jersey, points will remain on your driving record indefinitely. However, you can earn point deductions by remaining violation-free for a certain period or by completing state-approved driving courses.

Q: How do I plead not guilty to a traffic ticket in NJ?
A: To plead not guilty, you’ll need to notify the court before your scheduled appearance date. This will usually involve filling out the “not guilty” section on the ticket and mailing it to the court, or you may be required to call or visit the court in person.

Q: Can you pay to remove points from a driver’s license in NJ?
A: No, you cannot pay to remove points from your license in New Jersey. Points can only be removed by remaining violation-free for a specific period or by completing a state-approved driving course.

Q: How do I remove a violation from my driving record in NJ?
A: Violations cannot be removed from your driving record in New Jersey. However, points can be reduced through state-approved driving courses or by maintaining a clean driving record for a certain period.

Q: How much above the speed limit can you go in NJ?
A: Technically, going even 1 mph over the speed limit is a violation. The penalties increase with the amount you exceed the limit.

Q: How are points reduced in NJ traffic tickets?
A: Points can be reduced by completing a state-approved defensive driving course, which can remove up to two points from your record. Additionally, maintaining a clean driving record for one year will result in a three-point reduction.

Q: Do all speeding tickets have points in NJ?
A: Yes, all speeding tickets in New Jersey come with points added to your driving record, ranging from 2 to 5 points depending on how much you exceeded the speed limit.


Speeding tickets can have serious financial and legal consequences. It is important to drive responsibly and obey all speed limits to avoid these penalties. If you are caught speeding, it is best to contact

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